Choosing a Crystal in Person
One question that is asked on a regular basis is ‘How do I choose a crystal?’
Whether it be for themselves or for a friend, it is something people struggle with, especially as they begin their crystal journey.
I can only advise the following:
Trust your instincts. Use the ‘KISS’ method – Keep It Simply Simple!
Do not try too hard, just let your intuition guide you.
Choosing a crystal should all be based on trusting your inner voice & gut feelings.
Whether you are browsing the shelves for yourself, or for a friend, you should always keep it simple. Do not try to look at too many things at once, just take your time and browse the shelves. Look at what is on offer, take note of what you are attracted too, and if you feel so inclined, pick them up & then continue to browse. Always keeping in mind who you are buying for, yourself, a friend, family or whoever.
When you finish browsing, you will probably find you are carrying around a small selection of crystals. Lay your finds out in front of you. Then one at a time, pick them up, see how they feel in your hands, see how you feel holding them.
Now some say they feel an immediate affinity with a piece, others say they feel an energy source from a crystal, but what you need to keep in mind, is that you are not them, everyone is different & have different reactions to crystals. Just remember, to keep it simple, & trust your own feelings.
Once you get the feeling for the crystals you initially picked, you should be able to tell if some or all of them are for you. Now you may feel like none of them are, but take your time, if that is the case, put them back & start to browse the shelves once again, but usually, you will find that you cannot put them all back, meaning they want to stay with you.
Now there are factors everyone needs to keep in mind, the main one being the budget. There is no use in paying out more than you can afford, as this can create a negative feeling towards the crystal, which ultimately blocks what the crystal is all about. Keep in mind, that a tumblestone can be just as helpful & meaningful as a large piece, that it is not the size (or number) of the crystal, but the crystal itself.
If you find yourself in the situation where you need to reduce the number of crystals you have gathered, place them on a surface in front of you, take a deep breath, close your eyes, & clear your mind. Let your mind focus on what you need – healing, peace, strength – just let your mind find focus by itself. Then when you feel focused & calm, open your eyes, & the first piece you are drawn too, is the piece you need to take home. Repeat this step if you feel the need, & until you are happy with the number of pieces that remain with you.
Remember to just trust your instincts, the more you go with what you feel, the more in-tune you will become with your crystal/s!